Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 6ish.....7...Love is not Irritable and Love believes the best....

Well, I totally dropped the ball yesterday with not posting. I was at our Holiday Market and in the craziness of all of that I did not do my job so I apologize and I will touch on yesterdays just briefly.

Yesterday would have been a good one for me to have done. I have been under more stress this last week than I ever have been in my life. Starting a company is no joke...and I take my hat off to all you Moms who work outside of the home. I honestly don't know how you do it! I sat on my couch last night and cried to my Mother in law telling her how hard it had been to be away from my kids this week and that I had felt like I wasn't doing them justice. So needless to irritability was high because of my stress!! I hope you guys got to do the task and made your list

Today's devotion is on love believing the BEST! I loved the explanation of the Appreciation room and the Depreciation room. There are so many things that we love about our husbands and I know that when we make our list we will probably come up with a lot of reasons. There are also a lot of areas where we may not appreciate them....which room do you dwell in the most? Are you pitching a tent in the Depreciation room....waiting for their next slip up so you can write one more thing up? Do we bring those negative things they have done up every time we have a disagreement? Do we keep score? The statement about how spending time in the Depreciation room will kill marriages was so true. Every marriage that fails around us is because the negative was thought of more often than the least on one side of the marriage.

Love believes the best about causes us to give our spouses the benefit of the not have negative assumptions. When our worst hopes are proven to be true than loves makes every effort to deal with the issue and move focus on the positive!

Pray for your husband.....and keep writing "Covered in Love" over those negative things! Pitch your tent in the Appreciation Room...make it home...go ahead and hang some pictures in there friend. There is so much good to come. Think on the positive and throw out all negative thoughts!

Our task today is to make two lists: One about all the positive things about your man and the other with all the negative. Now put those sheets somewhere secret to be used another day. Sometime today, pick something positive from your first list and thank your husband for having that characteristic! Keep it up ladies...I dare ya!

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